Age Wave Supporters access special benefits from programs and projects. Their support of $35 a year helps make possible Age Wave's:
Why Become a Supporter? Supporters help inform our mission to make our region a great place for all people to grow older. They help sustain our efforts to provide educational programming and materials, research, communications and advocacy, capital for member website, training and more. Supporters may also access additional benefits such as CEUs, certificates of attendance, trainings, increased opportunities for engagement, and more. Most importantly, Supporters reinforce Age Wave efforts as we expand beyond conversations on the limitations of aging. They guide us as we expand to ALL-generational engagement to #DisruptAgeism, and move from damaging and negative perceptions of growing older to regional and national recognition that elderhood is desirable and has great benefits and blessings. Age Wave Supporters walk the walk and demonstrate that we are a region that is leaning into growth as an inclusive and equitable community, where all people and all ages are celebrated. Click here to continue to our Supporter Registration site, powered by VCU Training. This form grants Supporter status for one year. Contact: [email protected] |
Our Mission
Our mission: To make the Richmond region a great place for all people to grow older.
A Great Place: Age Wave’s Role